Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One Did It challenges European Parliament candidates to measure the weight of their ecological backpack

Elections in the European Union take place June 4.-7. 2009. Elected every five years, the European Parliament is a major and powerful player in European Union decision-making. One Did It challenges the candidates to measure the weight of their ecological backpacks and publish blogs of candidates that have measured eco-backpacks in this blog.

The challenge is simple
  1. Take the One Did It ecological backpack test
  2. From test result page save results by creating an account
  3. Pick the embed badge code under your backpack picture
  4. Post the code to your own site or blog and tell us your URL by commenting this post
It is evident that because of the nature of their work the MEP's might have heavier ecobackpack compared to average citizens' backpack. We also remind that the travelling payed by the employer can be excluded from the personal eco-backpack calculation since it should be allocated to the employer's backpack.

We still encourage all candidates to calculate their eco-backpacks, as it is important that the candidates are aware of their own ecological backpacks and have at least a hint how to reduce the environmental burden of their lifestyle. As the European Parliament leads by example and it is planning to cut its CO2 emissions by 30% by 2020 the individual MEPs should act as an example to all EU citizens.

More about European Parliament CO2 emission reduction action plan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great idea, and I will follow closely who is doing the ecological backpack test. This will help me choose a candidate!