Monday, August 3, 2009

Break the routine

We love the holiday season don’t we? Especially the possibility to break routines is great. You know spend time and effort on things we really love to do. The change in routines can be either positive or negative from the environmental perspective but that is not the main point here. Important is that during holiday we have time and energy to question some the locked-in habits of our everyday life.

It would be great to see the routine breaking mindset more often out of the holiday season too. When following discussions about sustainable lifestyles and practices there is no debate without comments like “sounds like a good idea but in Normal life of Normal people it is impossible”. I bet there are definitely normal people telling their stories about slow travel, bicycle commuting, reusable nappies and vegetarian (or even vegan)cooking to take a few examples.

Even if we are not ready to turn our whole life upside down at once we can find some of the issues so inspiring that we decide to break our routine and take a try. We all are familiar with the feeling that we want to do something better or differently. It is much easier to break the habit if we have some concrete advice to start with. Small changes don’t need to be complicated we just need the holiday type of mindset to make the (pro-environment) change. Let’s hold on to the open-minded attitude while we are back to our desks and everyday life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My name is Bill Hawthorne, and I represent, a leading web resource for asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cancer information. Our organization is dedicated to increasing awareness of the terrible health consequences of asbestos exposure through the distribution of the best informational materials and public outreach efforts.

I found your site through a search and decided to contact you because of its high environmental and green presence which is extremely important in our movement. Your viewers are extremely savvy and motivated. The promotion of how buildings should now be built using sustainable green products to avoid asbestos and mesothelioma as well as the awareness of past buildings and preventative steps in avoiding asbestos exposure are extremely important. My goal is to get a resource link on your site/blog or even to provide a guest posting to be placed.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to check out our website. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Bill Hawthorne
MAA Center is now on Twitter – follow us @maacenter