Monday, August 17, 2009

The weight of kilowatts in our eco-backpacks

It is easy to say that I eat vegetarian two times a week or that I rode 100 kilometres by bike this month. What about energy? How many kilowatts did you save today? The truth is that we need better metering systems to keep us better updated about the energy use at home. While we wait for the smart systems we should still pay attention to energy use. Turn down the thermostat, plug out, switch off and turn off the (hot) tap. But how much does the energy use add weight to our eco-backpacks?

Energy makes about one fifths typical EU citizen eco-backpack. This means roughly 6000 kilograms. This includes heating, electricity use, gas etc. If you’d like to save some kilograms and kilowatts and make a difference you could for instance:

Turn off one 40 W light bulb for 10 h and save almost 1 kg

Wash one full load of dishes instead of two half loads and save more than 2 kg

Cut off hot water for one minute and save almost 1 kg

Wash laundry in 40⁰C instead of 60⁰C and save about 1 kg

Hang dry one load of laundry outdoors instead of tumble drier and save more than 5 kg (it is true that it consumes multiple times more energy to dry your laundry than to wash it).

Have you came across with the news from Vermont U.S. where rebellious people fight for their “Right To Dry” clothes outdoors? Watch the news clip.

Join the rebellious clothesline movement and pick a few other eco-actions to drop off few kilograms from your eco-backpack.

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